Enthralled – Giana Darling Book Review (The Enslaved Duet #1)


It was the biggest day of my life.
I know most people say that about something joyous; a graduation, a wedding ceremony, the birth of their first child.

My situation was a little different.  Sure, it was my eighteenth birthday, but it was also the day that I was sold.

Sold to a man with hair like a crown of gold and eyes blacker than the darkest pits of Hell.

He bought me to own me, to control me, and to use me as a means to an end.  I was his tool and his weapon.

And through it all, somehow, I also became his salvation.



Hell, where do I even begin with this dark and twisted masterpiece!

Giana Darling has been on my radar for what seems like forever but I finally got around to reading a book of hers and I chose to start with Enthralled. I love dark and taboo romance so this book was right up my alley but not only did it meet my expectations, it exceeded them to such a degree that I was left a reeling, emotional mess by the end. I was so far gone for these characters and so completely addicted to the story, I couldn’t help but fall in love with Giana’s writing. That’s right, I’ve got a new favorite author to add to my list of all-time favorite authors!

The intricacy and darkness of this book shook me in the best way possible!

Let me say this loud and clear, Giana Darling is insanely talented. To craft such a dynamic, twisted and cruel world and execute it in such a seemless way is a testament to this author’s writing talent. Enthralled was interesting and gripping from the very beginning and stayed that way the entire course of the book. There was never a dull moment nor was there a shortage of WTF moments or mystery/suspense. I was all in, like ALL IN obsessed and I couldn’t put it down. Giana Darling blew me away with how incredible, dark, gritty and unique this book was. It yanked me right out of my comfort zone, made me uncomfortable in the best of ways and despite all the savagery, made me swoon. It was an amazing read, hands down.

I do advise that you do not go into this book expecting a happy, comfortable contemporary romance. Know that this book is dark, extremely dark. It is raw, difficult and the things that happen are not for the faint of heart. That said, it is so well written that you can’t help but get lost in the story. It is elegant in it’s depravity and has a way of ensnaring you. It’ll have you at the edge of your seat trying to figure of what the hell is going on and you’ll get frustrated, angry and feel all kinds of emotions but it’ll be one hell of a ride you won’t forget.

“I am addicted to the way I feel about myself when I’m with you. Like I’m the hero and not the villain.”

Cosima Lombardi hasn’t had the easiest start at life but at least she’s had her family at her side. When she is sold to a monster of a man named Alexander Davenport, Cosima knows her life will never be the same. As a piece of property, ripped away from her family, Cosima’s life is no longer in her hands, it’s in her Master’s and she will have to follow his every instruction or risk facing his wrath.

“God, but he was such a beautiful beast.”

Cosima, that poor girl, was dealt such a shit hand and the things she’s gone through are so gut wrenching. My heart ached for her but her strength, bravery and resilience are qualities that made her so damn admirable. That girl is tough as nails and I adored her, she was an amazing heroine! As the book progressed, she was forced to mature, to grow up and evolve into a woman who could survive in the world she was thrust into and I grew so proud of her for how she dealt with it all. And her understanding and capacity for acceptance and love was something else, she’s just an incredible young woman.

“I am going to give you everything because you are worth everything,”

Alexander was an interesting man. In the beginning, I had no idea how I could even grow to tolerate let alone like a man such as he. But as time went by, his softer, gentler and tender side peaked through in fleeting glimmers. Slowly, as I got to uncover more and more about him and see different facets of him, I began to develop feelings for him as Cosima did herself. There was just something about him, the way he cared for Cosi that made me see him in a different light. As twisted as he was, there were admirable qualities to him as well and I thought he was a darn good dark hero!

“You’re mine to protect and comfort just as much as you are mine to play with and use.”

Cosima and Alexander had a very unique relationship that started off in a very dark and depraved way. Cosima and Alexander however had a spark of chemistry from the beginning and it was easy to see that there was something there. They were fire together and seeing them slowly start to feel things for each other they never expected to feel was amazing. This book is heavily sexual and I quite honestly loved how it was dealt with. The steaminess is crazy hot and let me tell you, you will be beside yourself! Prepare to feel flustered, swoony and all hot and bothered. This is some dark and twisted stuff but it’s sexy as all hell and damn entertaining! The romance is slowly blooming between these two and there is definitely something there but I’m expecting the romance to really take flight in a whole new way in book 2 so I can’t wait for that!

“There was a growing tenderness around my heart that seemed to bloom just for him. It made me feel uncharacteristically shy and vulnerable even though it felt beautiful flowering in my chest.”

Dark, depraved and sexy as hell, Enthralled is taboo romance at it’s very best with a truly captivating storyline!

Overall, I really freaking loved this book. It was interesting and gripping the entire way through and I felt so many damn emotions, I was all over the place. I loved how this book yanked me out of my comfort zone and made me feel crazy at times. It was suspenseful, mysterious, sexy and yes even romantic and sweet on occasion. Cosima and Alexander are fantastic, developed characters and I can’t wait to continue reading their unique romance. I am giving Enthralled 5 big stars and can’t wait to read more of their story and more from the very talented Giana Darling very soon!

“I’ve never felt so unworthy of a gift, but I promise to cherish you every day.”



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