ARC: Enamoured – Giana Darling (The Enslaved Duet #2)

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It was the worst day of my life.

I know most people say that about something obviously horrific—a first heartbreak, the
discovery of a fatal illness, or the funeral of a loved one—but my situation was a little different.

Not only was it my wedding day, but it was also the day I chose to die.

Two men.

The first, my Master, my captor, and my impossible love.
The other, his brother, a mafioso I was meant to ensnare and ruin.

If I had any hope of living a normal life reunited with my family, I had to make a choice.
End my old life as I knew it and start fresh, or take down the monsters that hunted me and haunted my Master.

In the end, the decision was never really mine to make. Because Alexander Davenport would come to claim me even in death.

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Giana Darling writes some of the best romance I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading!

Hell yes! Enamoured was everything and more than I could’ve possibly wanted. Giana Darling is incredibly talented and crafts an impeccable, suspensful, and intricate story that left me completely addicted and in love. Her writing is lyrical and beautiful and gosh, I just love her and this duet so much.

“I give you my whole heart and hope that you will let me prove to you every day from here on out, that I am worthy of yours in return.”

As a fellow Canadian, I am so damn proud of Giana Darling for her succes with this duet, she deserves it all in spades!

I loved Enthralled and couldn’t wait for this sequel. Suffice to say it met and exceeded all of my expectations. It was dark, sexy as all hell, suspenseful and kept me on my toes flipping pages like crazy. My emotions ran the gauntlet and by the end, I was just insanely satisfied and happy. Cosima and Alexander were a special pair and they deserved their own happily ever after so damn badly.

“I’ve been happier with you in every moment we’ve spent together than I have ever been in the entirety of my life without you,”

Alexander is still the broody and intimidating alpha we knew and loved in book one but what I really enjoyed was seeing his softer side that only ever came out with Cosima. Alexander’s character went through some growth and development and I appreciated him in a whole new way. And seeing his devotion to her was so swoony, gah!

“I kept you safe every single one of the one thousand two hundred and eighty days we were apart.”

Cosima just got so much more badass. She was fierce in book one but that got taken to a whole new level this time around. She was sassy and gave as good as she got. Cosi is the epitome of a strong and independent woman and I love how she is also able to give in to her desires no matter how taboo they are. Go girl, you are my champion!

“He owned me in that kiss as if I had never been lost, as if every moment we were apart was only a period in a series of ellipses that was always going to lead to more of this. Him and me.”

Cosima and Alexander’s relationship took to new heights in Enamoured. The steaminess was off the charts, the tension was thick and the love was so swoon-worthy. These two are a match made in heaven; true soul-mates. Their bond is unbreakable and I adored them. Their story was taboo AF but addictive nonetheless and beautiful. I rooted for them so hard and I am so flipping happy for them.

“There was no one else in the world for either of us but each other.”

Giana rocked my world with this phenomenal duet and I can’t wait to read more of her gorgeous stories!

Overall, this book wrapped up a duet that blew my mind in the best way possible. Enamoured was dark, sexy and suspenseful, it had me addicted from the get-go and didn’t let me go until the very end. I hate having to let Cosima and Alexander go but I can’t wait for Dante’s story. I am giving Enamoured 5 huge stars and would recommend it to fans of dark, taboo romance!

“I married you because I couldn’t imagine a day without you by my side, lighting up my dark world with your golden light and vibrancy. I did it because being close to you is never close enough, because I didn’t feel alive unless you were with me.”


Giana Darling

About the Author:

Giana Darling is a Top 40 Amazon Best Selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat Persephone. She loves to hear from readers so please contact her at gianadarling[at] if you have any questions or comments.

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